Eastern High School honored Veterans at their Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 10th. The assembly was led by Eastern Principal, Garrett Hall, and students from the EHS National Honor Society. There were many Veterans in attendance. The keynote speaker for the event was Eastern’s Resource Officer and Veteran, Joseph Barnhart. Officer Barnhart talked about the importance of honoring Veterans in our country and the sacrifices these men and women make to keep the next generations safe and free. He also encouraged students to take some time and thank a Veteran for their service. Emma Edwards, National Honor Society President, talked about the importance of the POW/MIA table that is represented in restaurants during this time. At the conclusion of the assembly, students shook hands and thanked the Veterans who were in attendance. We want to say thank you to all the Veterans who attended our assembly and to all Veterans in the USA.
School Security
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K-6 Checkout
7-12 School