Anyone interested in the following positions should send a letter of interest and resume to Eastern Local Superintendent Nick Dettwiller at: For m...
The Juniors and Seniors at Eastern High School have been exploring their future career options this week. On Wednesday, September 11th, the Juniors and Seniors attended...
⏳️Don't forget to reach out to one of our archers to get your chance to win some wonderful prize⏳️ As you all know archery is not a cheap sport. All the money from this Raffle...
Special thank you to the 5th grade teachers for piloting a curriculum night for parents to go over processes, procedures, and any questions parents have. The feedback from teacher...
For the past two years, we have taken Eastern High School students to attend monthly meetings with The Ohio State University Student Leadership Research Collaborative free of cost...
We wanted to make sure everyone is aware that there are still open spots for any 3 to 5 year olds interested in preschool here on the Eastern campus. Bussing is available as well....
The 5th grade teachers in collaboration with the District Leadership Team have taken the lead, and are trying something new this year. On the evening of September 3rd at 5:00, an...
If you get a chance download the Eastern Local Mobile app to keep up to date on what is going on at Eastern Local. Click the link below to see a tutorial on the app. Eastern...
Also if anyone would like support gear they have two options. One with the youth football and cheer design and a plain E to go with all events throughout the school year. Orders ca...
The Eastern Board of Education recently celebrated the retirement of longtime teacher, Deborah Kerwood. Deborah leaves with over 20 years of service to the district and countless...
Four Eastern High School Student-Athletes attended the NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations) National Student Leadership Summit in Indianapolis. Addi Well, D...
To Interested Parties: At this time Eastern Local School District desires to receive quotes for the following items listed below: Tires & Petroleum Pr...
I am so proud of our team at Eastern Local. Their hard work and collaboration helped us once again receive grant funding this year to provide Eastern students with the classroom s...
Eastern Senior Emma Hayes is headed to the state track meet after finishing 2nd in the regional in shot put and 3rd in discus. She throws Thursday in Dayton at 3:00 and 6:00. Goo...
We have some outstanding staff members who take this program on and do an amazing job of ensuring that students in need have food when school isn't in session. Thank you to these...
EMUN Team members L to R: Rylan Weeks, Elizabeth Spires, Kayla Sellers, Cassium Powell, Alex Collins Alex Collins, Current Events Award Students at OH Leadershi...