If you have not registered your child for summer school transportation, please do so by end of day, tomorrow , 5/24/2023.
over 1 year ago, Brian Collins
Bus 25, Mandy Bush, running about 25 minutes late this morning
over 1 year ago, Brian Collins
The Eastern weight room will be closed starting on the evening of the 25th for renovation. We will give updates as the project progresses. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Nick Dettwiller
Bus 14 driven by Lesa Sidwell will be running about 15 minutes late this evening
over 1 year ago, Brian Collins
Relay for Life Spirit Week! 5/15-5/19 Monday: Favorite Team Day Tuesday: Sunglasses/Hat Day Wednesday: Wacky Day Thursday: Beach Day Friday: #KICKITKENZIE tshirts
over 1 year ago, Robin Burrow
Summer School is slated for June 5 through June 23,2023. If your child requires bus transportation, please complete the on-line transportation request, located on the Transportation Page on the Eastern Website. Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Brian Collins
over 1 year ago, Eastern Local Athletics
Attention Summer School Families Please be sure to register your children for bus transportation for Summer School 2023. Go to the Eastern Website Transportation Page and open the link to the on=line form. Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Brian Collins
Eastern archers were celebrated this weekend along with other members from the AAC league. They were invited to Nelsonville to participate in a fun tournament where they had the opportunity to take aim at a new kind of range. One where dinosaurs and even a lion became targets. After they shot we went to celebrate the top 12 in each category! Elementary Sophia Shaw - finished 9th with an average score of 259.4 Emma Myers - finished 10th with an average score of 259.2 Braelynn Sims - finished 11th with an average score of 257.6 Middle School Allison Putnam - finished 12th with an average score of 274 Joshua Jones - finished 2nd with an average score of 287.4 Clay Buckley - finished 10th with an average score of 278.4 Emmett Jordan - finished 11th with an average score of 277.8 High School Wesley Milhoan - finished 9th with an average score of 279.4 Our middle school also took 3rd place this year! Please help us congratulate these archers on a great season. Also, we want to wish everyone good luck at Nationals this week. Safe travels to all competing and always remember aim small miss small!
over 1 year ago, Jezare' Brooks
Top 12 Archers 2023
Clay Buckley
Sophia Shaw
Allison Putnam
Emmett Jordan
Joshua Jones
Westley Milhoan
Congratulations Archers
ELS Kitchen Staff preparing a Taste of Italy for lunch. Homemade fresh chicken and pasta alfredo. Steamed fresh broccoli. And of course, fresh cut salad and fruit.
over 1 year ago, Eastern Food Service
Patty Nutter, Yelena Conley, Diane Buckley, Jody Goeglein, Lyle Moon, Lori Litchfield
Diane Buckley
Yelena Conley and Jody Goeglein
REMINDER! Family Night is TODAY 3:30-6:30 Eastern Elementary Unfortunately, due to scheduling conflicts, the Lonesome Drifters will not be performing.
over 1 year ago, Robin Burrow
Lee Swain, Bus 20, will be absent from his route through the end of this week. His evening route will be absorbed by Buses 5, 23, and 25 tonight and tomorrow night. Please expect drop off times to vary the next two evenings. We apologize for any inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, Brian Collins
Today's Lunch! Fresh Italian Marinated Chicken Breast cooked on-site, no prior processing. Fried Rice, fresh cut salad, fruit and milk!
over 1 year ago, Eastern Food Service
Eastern Lunch
On Wednesday, April 26th, Jostens will be here at the high school at 7:45am to pass out caps and gowns. State ring qualifiers will also be fitted for state rings at this time.
almost 2 years ago, Garret Hall
Several people brought to our attention that Meigs was in lockdown this morning. We have been in contact with their administration and everything is ok. They are proceeding with a normal schedule.
almost 2 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
Menu change for Thursday morning. It will be cooks choice. Thank You.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Collins
Dear Parent/Caregiver, The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) would like to invite you to participate in a short, 25 question survey about your involvement in your student’s education. Research suggests that parental involvement is a key predictor of positive educational outcomes. You may be eligible to participate if your child has an IEP and receives special education services. The purpose of collecting this information is to improve services for students with disabilities across Ohio. If you are eligible to participate and you enroll in the study, you will be entered in a drawing for a $50 gift card. Your chance of winning a gift card is approximately 2.0%. Use the QR (Quick Response) code (see below) to find out more about the survey and if you are eligible.
almost 2 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
Family Engagement survey
The Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center is now accepting applications for our grant funding for Driver's Education for eligible students. Each school district will have a designated number of grantees. Funding will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Eligible students will be: 1. A student in a member school district (all districts located in Athens and Meigs counties and Southern Local Perry County). 2. A recipient of Medicaid, SNAP, WIC or free and reduced lunch 3. Meet 2 of the 3 requirements: a 2.0 minimum GPA, no more than 10 unexcused absences in the first semester, or a letter of recommendation from a school staff member. 4. Have a valid Driver's Permit and be a first time enrollee in Driver's Education 5. Be able to complete all Driver's Education requirements before turning 18. For more information see the flyer on the website.
almost 2 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
Drivers Education Funding
Great opportunity for graduating seniors
almost 2 years ago, Nick Dettwiller
Transportation flyer
Attention Eastern Seniors: The Ohio Department of Transportation has posted summer time positions locally. Please click on the attached link to apply. https://dasstateoh.taleo.net/careersection/oh_int/jobdetail.ftl?job=230000DW&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FNew_York
almost 2 years ago, Garret Hall